Christopher Smith is
setting free the songs.
“Songwriting is like fishing in a stream; you put in your line and hope to catch something.”
~Arlo Guthrie
I bought into this songwriter as fisherman simile a long time ago. I didn’t really call myself a songwriter until I found that I had my line in the water most of the time, ready to react to the slightest nibble. But once I started catching more songs, I bought into the idea that I had to be a fishmonger. Who would take me seriously if I wasn’t in the fish business? But fish, like humans, have a relatively short shelf life. You don’t want fish laying around for too long. Once supply exceeds demand, those boxes of unsold cds start to stink something awful. That’s why I’ve started giving the songs away.
I’m strictly a catch-and-release-man now.
This is why I’ve created You are welcome to listen and download any of the tunes you hear on this website, no strings attached. And if you find a song that you particularly enjoy and want to give something back, here’s how you can best support my work: Just download a song and send it to someone who you think might enjoy it. All these songs really wanna do is swim around a little. If you could help me set them free, I’d be truly grateful.
You can stream the songs as full albums from these album pages: Sweet River Grace and Gravedigger's Boy. Downloads for any of the songs off Sweet River Grace can be found here. Downloads for Gravedigger's Boy are found here.. I will be assembling more album pages with newer downloadable content shortly.